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Curious about WhimSee?

Whimsee is the visual mixed-media fine art, photography and designs of artist, Chantal Fortin.

Maine-born and mountain-bound she now resides in the greater Asheville area.

Chantal’s creations blend found objects reflecting her love of nature, surrealism, the Devine and the macabre.  

Her photography, primarily focuses on trees and the forms that can be seen within. 

Her empathic abilities mixed with her creative vision lends to her custom designs. 


Who is WhimSee

Chantal Fortin


Art has always been my passion. From taking every art class in highschool to Fashion Design school in NYC.  It has evolved much over the years and landed me in this surreal world I call WhimSee. This world is playful and curious!

It all started when I was out in nature kayaking with my parents and looked down and saw a baby dolls hand reaching up from the muck. I was drawn to rescue this doll from the bottom of the lake. Later on that doll became a centerpiece for my first doll art creation 'Bloom Baby Bird'. Since then it has morphed into an re-expression of things that are deemed "trash". I explore nature with curiosity. I play with forms. 

My photography stems from my love of the natural world and it's beauty. I noticed often that people often overlook the playfulness of trees. 

I realized over time that I was able to express people I met through this mixed media art form. That lead me to custom creations where I channel the subject and create a one of a kind art piece. 

My vow is to always look at the world through a curious lens.

"Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision."

Salvador Dali

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